Best fat burning exersize?
2007-08-04 05:39:53 UTC
I am not over weight but am a pear shape so do carry a bit of excess fat around stomach hips and thighs. What is the best way of burning fat. I run 5 times a week for 5 miles but still it doesnt shift. I go the gym but dont do weights.

60 answers:
2007-08-04 05:48:57 UTC
Weights are a must for any fat burning programme. Increasing your muscle mass increases your metabolism which enables you to burn more calories. Try doing weights just for the major muscle groups (arms, legs, chest, back). Try out doing some russian twists with a medicine ball and some ab crunches to shape and tone that area. When you start this you can even cut down the running to 3 times a week and maybe run a mile further. Its important to have rest days too remember. Good luck...
tony a
2007-08-08 03:34:40 UTC
The only exercises of any value are:-

1) A sideways movement of the head to the left and the right repeatedly when offered a second helping and

2) accompany this with a pushing motion of arms and hands applied to the plate in front of you.

I hope this helps as it certainly works for me.
2007-08-08 03:25:41 UTC
Swimming!!! Nothing else!!! I t gives you a great shape... Breast-Stroke while breathing in, I lost 3 half stone about 2 years ago, it left my arms, tum and legs nice and trim, I done a mile once week!! Go for it, it really does work, measure the top of your thigh and waist before you go, you will see the results!! You can never do too much swimming!
2007-08-04 06:51:35 UTC
Brisk Walking will help you burn tummy fats and lower body fats. It has helped me.

I am on low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein and a hour brisk walk 5 times a week, and I have lost 31lbs and gain better health. I am now maintaining my 108lbs for more than a year.

Details such as my experience, meals, recipes, walking as an exercise and to shape the body etc etc, are in my blog
Mark B
2007-08-08 04:08:18 UTC
You don't say how much you eat. The best way to lose weight is not exercise but controlling what you eat.

Exercise is important for overall health but it's only a secondary factor in weight loss. A five mile run could burn as little as 500 calories. That's around half a portion of chips or a single naan bread at an Indian.

I'd keep a food diary - there are lots of them on the internet (I use Weight Loss Resources but there are loads of others). The one I use recommends levels of calorie intake and allows you to factor in your exercise. If you're running five miles five times a week you should find you have a reasonable amount of calories to eat during the day so you shouldn't feel hungry.

Doing weights will help but, for shifting fat, changing what you eat is the best course of action. Weights theoretically enable you to gain muscle mass and burn more at rest. Unless, like me, you come back from the gym starving and stuff your face.

This tends to outweigh the advantages of added muscle.

Once you've lost your fat then you need to make sure you go onto a maintenance level of calories that won't make you put it back on again.
2007-08-08 03:54:12 UTC
Weight loss is best achieved by combining 3 factors. Nutition, Exercise & Will Power. The latter may seem benign but without it you aint shifting nada. Getting support from others helps a lot. There is always someone you know who wants to shed extra pounds - friends, family or even someone else at the gym - Pair up and help each other, will power is stronger in a group.

A balanced diet of friut and veg..... you probably know the score. For me the best diet was the Atkins but being a nurse i understand fully the health risks associated. Though not the best diet, Atkins has the principles right. Watch and reduce your net carb intake.... I.e. Wholemeal bread not white bread etc. you don't have to take drastic carnivorous steps to make a difference. Also hydration... Plenty of H2O not tea/coffee/fruit juice/cordial/pop just straight water. Although the others contain water they don't deliver like water does.

Now Exercise. Aerobic all the way baby! Don't worry about weights, not unless you wanna be an Arnie look-a-like. Lower weights - greater repetitions. Running is great - try to gradually increase the distance or gradient - Challange yourself each week. Doesn't matter what you do as long as you calorie intake is exceeded by you calorie expenditure. I.e. if you only eat lettuce and run 10K then you gonna get thinner. But on the other hand if you tuck in to a few FKC's followed by a Mc'Y D then you gonna be doing quite a bit more running. Also try not to drink the iso tonic drinks until after your workout (1 straight after; 1 half hour later).... lots of calories. After workout your body uses them to rehydrate, during exercise your body uses them as straight fuel - no fat burning! Also if you're gonna eat, eat after workout - a good chicken salad - something with nutrients & protein (up to a half hour after) it gets used to repair muscles. Above anything else stay stong - will power is the key.

As someone who has always been dieting and trying to shift excess weight i know it's hard and you often loose faith - but perciverence is key. I used to either play or train for rugby 6 days a week. i went from 30st down to 17.5st in 2 years almost half my body weight gone through sheer determination and support from friends and team mates. good luck on your venture - i wish you all the best.
cycling ex pro
2007-08-08 03:51:53 UTC
you need to do at least 1 long effort during the week. 2 would be ideal.

Using this technique the weight will stay off. It may take about 2 mounths to see goood effect on weight. The body needs time to change its routine.

i.e an endurance run or cycle, not a lot of effort is required but time is.

This should be enjoyable but needs focus.

I recommend, start at 2 hours build it up to 3hrs.

Also instead of 3 large meals during the day, have 6 smaller meals during the day. Your body will become to now it does not need to store fat. When you eat like this.
Adam F
2007-08-08 03:48:27 UTC
I see people on here talking about weights. One guy even says "You'll see a difference in a couple of weeks!" What the hell are you on buddy? Weights are NOT the best way to lose weight. Building muscle mass underneath a layer of fat is a one way ticket to looking bigger still and lowering your moral to a level which will have you reaching for the help of Ben and Jerry in not time! Cardio with a proper diet is the only way to lose fat. Ask yourself why big guys like say...The Hulk look tubby in their old age around the middle. He goes to the gym daily??? Its because as he has got older he is finding it more difficult to keep the fat off his stomach. He still has good ab muscles but they cant be seen behind the fat. Some people on here should be ashamed of themselves for giving such bad advice which in some cases are just plain lies. I hope you read this and it helps I really do.
2007-08-08 03:28:07 UTC
less calories more exercise, the only way there aint no miricale cure for being overweight, hard work be carefull with sit ups at first or you could damage yourself, try leg raises they tone the bottom half of your stomach, try lots of swimming, it will take time but you will get there. crunches ( the exercise (not the choclate bar) are also great. Besides this just mght be your natrual shape, which looks great on a woman anyway.
2007-08-08 03:25:32 UTC
If you're running 5 times a week for 5 miles and still not losing weight you must be doing something seriously wrong. A 1 hour run will burn off around 1000 calories. So, you are either running too slowly or eating too much.

Try increasing your running pace. You should aim for negative splits and introduce some fartleks into your running schedule. Also increase your distance and decrease the frequency. Try a 10 mile / half marathon race. Cut down on your food intake. Eat little and often, Try
marcus b
2007-08-08 04:12:44 UTC
You need to go into negative with your calorie intake i.e. expend more energy than you intake. This is done by diet and exercise.

It helps to have an idea of the calorie content of foods that you are eating (there are calorie counting websites) and then cut around 500 calories from your daily intake. Then monitor the results adjust your diet accordingly.

1Ib of body fat has 3.500 calories, so if you cut 500 cals a day from your daily intake this is 1lb of bodyfat lost in a week. This can be speeded up with exercise (or will balance out if you eat more).

Regarding the exercise, the BEST is speedwalking. If your heart rate goes above a certain level during exercise you will burn carbs from what you ate that day and not fat. It is also best first thing in the morning on an empty stomach as you only have fat to burn and no carbs. So any cardio exercise is good at a slow pace. About 30-45 mins a day should do.

Ignore all these comments about not eating after a certain hour. It's what you eat not when.
2007-08-08 03:35:07 UTC
Weights, as mentioned by other answers, are essential. In the gym, if you can do circuits (say, 3 different exercises in a row, 3 times, with rest in between each), then these will get you sweating more than just doing 1 exercise on its own. Do high reps, low weight - 3 sets of 25 is very good. In the gym, it can be hard to do circuits if it is busy - the best way around this, other than going in the gym at off-peak times, is to use a cable machine for the circuit exercises, as you can stay on the machine to do the 3 exercises without being interrupted.

On top of this, diet is very important - just making a few substitutions - replacing a chocolate bar as a snack for some nuts for example - can be very beneficial to outcome. Also, it might be worth taking up a sport for cardio, since running may become boring after a while - any physical activity will help you burn fat, whilst may give you a new hobby to engage in. If this isn't easily done, than just switching what you do on the running machine will make a difference - interval training one day, hill running the other, and longer distance for a third day will mix it up a bit. Make sure though that you keep up with cardio, as a balance is vital for getting the best out of it.

Good luck with the training - remember though that it is better to do a combination of exercises than just one that may be the best fat burning.

Here are a few websites that may be useful;
lizzy b
2007-08-08 04:02:46 UTC
You can not spot target fat, it will always be an all over fat loss. Running 5 miles a week is fantastic for your cardio but you need to vary your exercise regime. Running will build thighs, buttocks and calves so my advice would be swim more. That will build your upper body and help balance out your pear shape. Doing weights will increase fat loss as it burns callories for longer periods than cardio work. However there is only so much you can do to improve the shape you were blessed with. The classic pear shape is always larger at the bottom. Be grateful for a healthy body that serves you well and keeps you active and accept we are all different inside and well as out - just remember to value yourself for the person you are and not necessarily what you look like.
2007-08-08 04:15:11 UTC
I was always told that in order to streamline my 'pear' shape i should do resistance and toning exercises to lengthen and strengthen my muscle tone, in particular the core muscle groups. And it works. AND you dont need a personal trainer to make you feel pressurised or stupid!

I walk absolutely everywhere and i go to the gym just a couple of times a week to use the weights, plus i do a bit of pilates and yoga from home (when i have the time!).

I watch what i eat. I have to eat little and often as this is how i am built (i cant stuff myself with huge portions!) and i think this helps me to maintain my weight. It also helps that i dont like fried food, or chips for example, and would prefer to eat fresh fruit and vegetables plus lots of fish, and i do sub consciously calorie count as well as looking at the saturated fat content of food i buy, plus salt content etc (I know that sounds a bit pedantic but once you know what is high and what is low it really isnt that difficult or time consuming!)

Its not easy, nothing worth having is ever easy, but having gone from over 13 stone to 8 and a half is not impossible. I have done it.

It was hard work and the hardest bit is not the losing of any excess weight and toning up, its staying that way after you have done it. And as you get older, believe me it gets a lot harder!!

Good luck and just look after yourself.

.....And dont forget, sometimes too much exercise can be bad for you, you know.......
2007-08-08 05:06:58 UTC
Hi, I think alot of us carry the most stubborn weight shift around the middle. Running is great for your legs and stamonner, but not your middle. You can go:

Option A. Starve.

Option B Abdominal excercises

A is not very pratical and if you love your food like myself it is also impossible.

One of my friends gave me a challenge to see who could do the most sittups,press ups ect. So each day we had to try to do 500. We would text each other to see who was the furthest at reaching 500 a day. This really was a great incentive. I also lost about 2 inches from my waist. So measure yourself before and then again in about a month.

The only thing I will say is as soon as you stop so does the benifits (words I think I have heard Elle McPhearson say}. Good Luck.

Remember cardio is good but you need to mix it up a bit, make different parts of your body work.

I am now expecting child no 3 so my sittups are behind me for a while, it would be pointless lol.
Old Soldier
2007-08-08 03:38:51 UTC
Throughout the development of the human race we were hunter-gatherers for the greater part. People spent hours a day walking and looking for food.

Today we are too sedentary. We evolved to spend a lot of time mobile. As a PERCENTAGE of the time we spend doing exercise, most people UNDERESTIMATE how much work they need to do to lose weight.

Going to the gym for an hour three times a week is NOT enough - that represents just 2% of your time doing exercise (in a week).

And it is not how long you are at the gym - it is how long you spend doing exercise that counts (most machines in gyms tell you how long you have been exercising). How often I see people standing around chatting at the gym. I sometimes add up how much time they have spent exercising... and some of them do less than 30 minutes actual exercise...

You need to increase the amount of exercise. Going to the gym four times a week and going jogging on the other days is about right if you want to get fit and lose weight (coupled with a sensible diet). If you can't jog - walk.

The problem with obesity is simple - people are too lazy and eat too many calories.
2007-08-08 04:19:57 UTC
Any form of exercise that burns calories will help reduce fat. To specifically burn fat (rather than carbohydrates) it is recommended to do somewhat lower intensity exercise. Also helpful advice for people who may not be used to doing exercise regularly. You can only monitor this properly by measuring your heart rate during exercise - heart rate monitors these day can be bought for about £20 and then look on the net for the heart rate levels you should be aiming for for someone of your age.

It may be however that your 5 miles running is not burning too many calories - it surprises most people how hard they have to work to burn the equivalent calories of say a Mars bar.

Some heart rate monitors can also estimate how may calories you have burned during your exercise session.

Eating less is I'm afraid the only other route to losing fat.

Don't beleive any advice that tells you to do specific resistance exercises on the legs etc - may help build muscle there but will not get rid of the fat without some calorie burning exercise.

Good luck.
Martin B
2007-08-08 03:46:30 UTC
I had slowly put on a lot of weight over the years and eventually hit a maximum weight of 16 Stone, mostly around my middle. I looked at a lot of ways of improving my weight and fitness, to shift my weight and improve my physical appearance, I started to excercise and cut fat out of my diet, but the best thing I found was the rowing machine at the gym. I started of doing 5 mins and not getting very far (bad astma and very out of shape) but everytime I went I pushed myself a litlle harder and started to lengthen my time. I did do other stuff as well, a litlle running and a few weights over time but stuck with the rower as my main excercise. After 12 months I managed to do a marathon Row (3 hours and 26 miles) and I have now lost 4.5 Stone and gone from a a XL to a medium to small. Diet pills and crash diets are great but the reality is you have to swing your calourie burn against the tide of consumption which based on what is thrust in our faces on TV and at us by Super markets and fast food joints is a near on imposibilty. But believe me from a person who got through two Astma inhalers in a month to not touching one in over a year the push is well worth the effort. I now look great and feel amazing and still row as often as I can. It really does give your whole body a good work out (Legs, arms and stomach) and will probably help you achieve the shape you want and amazingly quickly. Hope this helps ...... Martin (PS can't say it doesn't hurt somedays but what you will see in the mirror will make it seem worth it).
Carrie B
2007-08-08 04:21:27 UTC
It is simple maths/physics if you eat less than you burn you will lose weight, Cardio is the fat burning excercise and you can achieve this by brisk walking, swimming,squash cycling (quickly) etc anything that increases your heart rate. I would combine with toning exercise such as pilates, yoga etc If your not overweight it could be natural body shape. Don't be fooled by guidelines, most govt guidelines suggest 2000 cals are needed for women a day however my bodies cal req per day are only 1650, if I ate the extra 350 I would start to gain weight pretty quickly. Bio scales can calculate your cals for you.
2007-08-08 04:03:40 UTC
You say that you are carrying " a bit of excess fat". The thing that I find really sad is that both you and most of the other people replying think that this is a major problem. If you were extremely fat or obese, I could understand your concern. But removing every last piece of fat from your body will do little for your health or your attractiveness. Quite the contrary - it suggests a highly unattractive level of self-absorption.
Mon Bon
2007-08-08 03:34:00 UTC
I have always been blessed with a pear shape (although not overweight) and since partaking in BodyPump (weight class) three years ago it has changed my shape, I don't feel that I am as pear shaped, more toned and I still have curves. It has not given me huge muscles but my shoulders feel more in proportion with the rest of me and my thighs and butt definitely are not as wide. I have partaken in many exercise classes over the years and this is the only thing I have found that has changed my shape (for the better)!!! Not only that it is fun too...
2007-08-08 04:22:59 UTC
The two things I would recommend are buy a set of scales and a heart rate monitor. It is so easy to underestimate the amount you eat and overestimate the exercise you do.

Weigh all of your food and keep a record of calorie and fat intake. To lose weight you should probably aim for 1500cals and 50g fat per day.

In order for cardio exercise to work you need to get your heart rate up to 140+ bpm. Monitors are easy to use and can be picked up fairly cheaply (£10 from Lidl).

On the subject of weight training I am not so sure it burns fat but it does stop you looking and feeling flabby.
2007-08-08 04:18:25 UTC
The moderate intensity endurance training that you are currently participating in has in the past been prescribed to reduce fat levels. This was based on the idea that as the body will use fat to fuel low to moderate intensity exercise, you will burn up your fat reserves with this type of exercise. However, the problem with this is that you are not burning enough calories for it to have any effect on weight or fat lose.

The best way to burn fat is by achieving a negative calorie balance (burning more calories than you take in) and by increasing your metabolism (amount of calories burned at rest).

The most effective way to achieve a negative calorie balance is to use high intensity intervals. This involves using a high intensity pace (running or cycling) that you can only maintain for 30 to 60 seconds, recover at a lower intensity (jogging) for 60 - 120 seconds. Repeat this 6-10 times, perform twice a week. To participate in high intensity exercise make sure you have achieved a sound level of fitness (3-4 weeks at least of moderate intensity exercise).

To increase your metabolism you need to increase your muscle mass. Muscle requires more energy to maintain than fat, so the more muscle you have the energy you burn at rest. This energy is provided by the fat reserves of the body. To increase muscle mass, total body exercises (e.g. squats, deadlifts, presses, and rows) work better as they require more energy to perform. Use a repetition range of 6-12, for 3-4 sets, perform three times a week. Vary the repetitions and exercises used every 3-4 weeks, so that your body is forced to continuously adapt to the programme.For example, a beginner could start with the following programme, using 3 sets of 10 reps, with 60 sec rest between sets.

1. Body weight Squat

2. Press-up

3. Dumbbell Deadlift

4. Seated Row

5. Dumbbell Shoulder press

6. Split-squat

7. Lat Pull-down

8. Knee to Elbow crunch
2007-08-08 03:41:22 UTC
You should try African dance for fitness. There are classes in gyms in Tottenham court road and Brixton. Really good fun and you exercise bits of your body that traditional workouts don't - plus it's a lot more fun than normal gym stuff, it's dancing to get fit. It should help you to lose the weight from your midriff and thighs. I've been doing it for 6-7 months and my whole body feels more toned.

I go to the Brixton class. You should try it, it's called Danceafreaka. They have a DVD you can buy too if you are too far to come to the class.

Hope this helps

2007-08-08 03:40:03 UTC
Definitely do some kind of weight resistance training - you'll feel the difference within a couple of weeks. Or do a dance class that incorporates squats, lunges and an abs workout. Also, you might want to mix up your aerobic exercises a bit. Your body is probably really used to running now, so doing something different should give it a bit of a kickstart!
2007-08-08 04:14:19 UTC
Running is probably the most difficult, but the best fat burning excercise you can do. I talk from personal experience. If you are running, then that's good for your heart and most things, but to see the results in weight loss you must adjust your diet accordingly. Drink plenty of water, eat fruit and fish and pasta, but most imporantly, stay away from JUNK FOOD and deep fried stuff.I have lost loads this way and was the same shape as you.
2007-08-08 03:58:35 UTC
The running is okay but needs to be alternated.

1.Straight running up inclines;one mile slow,another faster and such.

2. Sit-ups will aid the stomach but don't eat late in the evening and watch the content.

3. Aerobics and cycling will be helpful too especially for the thighs.
2007-08-08 05:06:15 UTC
Bellydancing is an excelent way to tone the tums, bums and thighs. Its also great fun.

I am slim but I have always thought that my inner thighs and the area above my knees were larger than I wanted. Bellydancing was the only only exercise I found that significantly toned these areas.

I note you say you are not overweight but bellydancing is also ideal for larger ladies. My teacher always used to say that the best size for a belly dancer was 16+ (although she was only a size 8!).

The other option is to enjoy your shape - you are a natural womanly shape. I bet your friends think you look wonderful!


uncle d
2007-08-08 04:19:33 UTC
I understand your problem. It's the most common complaint people have regarding exercise. First off, you need to look at your genetic profile. What body shape did your parents have? How about our siblings? Which parent do you take after? How about aunts and uncles? Many people are genetically predispositioned to collect fat in certain places, especially women. This means your body will fight you to maintain a specific size, shape and weight, regardless of your best efforts. This will make it more difficut for you to get in shape, but not impossible.

You don't indicate if you are male or female. If you're a female, then it may be you are collecting fat for childrearing and your hormones are defeating your ability to get into shape. If you're a male, then the fat is a result of your lifestyle/diet combination and you need to start making serious changes in both.

To dispel the swimming comment for a moment. Swimming is NOT the best way to lose weight despite what anybody else will tell you. I was a swim coach for 10 years and worked in a fitness club and never saw anybody lose weight swimming. The reason is because fat makes you more bouyant and therefore, makes it easier for you to swim. To lose weight swimming, you would have to first, be a good swimming, swim the crawl and not the breaststroke and work hard to get your heart rate to your optimum training level. Most people with alot of body fat are bad swimmers and can never get their heart rates beating fast enough to benefit from the training effect.

This is really the key for any weightloss. You need to pick up a heart rate training monitor and start training to your optimum training heart rate. For training, you need to cross train or target train, not just run. The best is to combine weight training and running. You will need to train a minimun of 4-5 times a week consistently for 2-3 weeks before you start to notice any real change. What happens is your body will start to prioritise muscle over fat storage. But beware. If you stop for one month, but continue to diet, your body will think it's starving and try to store up on fat, eating into your new muscle tissue to get it! So once you start, keep at it until you have lost the desired weight, and then taper your exercise down to a maintenance level.

You will also need to change your diet. This doesn't mean eating only salads. It means eating healthier. Also, if you eat after 6pm, eat only light meals. Avoid processed foods and learn to cook your own meals with fresh ingredients. Almost all factory made foods are pure junk for your body. Avoid both diet sodas and normal sodas, as there is a link between obesity and aspartame. So your body could be reacting to that as well. A good trick to break the genetic lock is to change your main carbohydrate source. If your diet is wheat based, change it to being mostly rice based. It seems to trick the body into using and digesting food differently.

As you can see, you are looking at a holistic approach, not just a single solution.

The best results I have ever had are with a personal trainer. I can't recommend them highly enough. There is a reason why every celebrity who wants to be fit uses them. Because they get you training at levels that will make a difference. People tend to be lazy and comfort driven and will stop training just when it's starting to have it's greatest impact. Which means you end up running that extra mile or lift an extra 10 minutes, pushing the muscles more than you usually would. Good luck.
2007-08-08 04:01:16 UTC
Hiya, Running is a good exercise to burn fat, but i think that it might help to do some muscle tonning exercises. Did you ever try pillates or yoga? The best way to target the stomach area is to work on the abdominal muscle group. i.e Stomach crunches. There's a great pillates exercise called the 'one hundreds' which strengthens the core muscles. Next time your in your local gym, have a word with the fitness instructor, and i'm sure they'd be willing to demonstrate the exercises for you.

Good Luck
2007-08-08 04:09:00 UTC
The best way to lose weight by excercise is using sexual activity (but not on your own) Find a willing partner who also needs to lose some weight and go for it. Get as hot and sweaty as possible but take precautions, (you don't want to find a sudden weight gain do you?) Not only does this work for both of you, there is a lot of fun to be found whilst working your way through the many positions and places to indulge in this pastime... Good luck, If you have problems finding a willing partner, give me a ring and I'll try to fit you in.............
2007-08-08 04:21:05 UTC
your 25 mpw running sounds pretty tough, especially if you have a good running pace, but to loose fat you have to burn more calories than your consuming. it's as simple as that. so work out your calories going in to what your burning up, any spare calories will be stored as fat, but if you don't have enough calories for fuel your body will use your reserves so you should loose weight.

also, make sure your getting plenty of carbs for energy. your diet should consist of about, 70% carbs, 20%fat and 10% protien.

also, you can't loose fat of specific areas ,only, you loose it equally all over your body; what causes fat to build up in certain areas is gravity causing fat to pool around your middle.

trying to alter your body shape significantly through exersise is difficult and is best done with weights, as you can shape the muscles to try too balance out your body shape and improve muscle support, but make sure muscles are kept in balance, otherwise you can get stability problems.

remember, check those calories.
2007-08-08 03:44:54 UTC
Try what is known as the Banana diet... In short, for breakfast & evening meal, have bananas & at lunchtime eat sensibly but have a variety of different food & veg each day.... then by the end of the week you will notice a difference. Some people I know who've tried this just eat bananas & drink fruit juice & water... but this is a bit extreme & is a shock to your metabolism (spelling?) so make sure you continue to give your body nutrients, but replace the normal heavy meal times with bananas. Once you try it... I think u will be very surprised... happy dayz gal & good luck... but don't try too hard for size zero, be happy with just loosing a bit to feel better & not go mad... miles of smiles, J
2016-12-25 08:41:44 UTC
You don’t need to exercise for hours on end. Short, sharp sets of exercise will produce better results when you work hard. Get a bypassing rope, skip for two minutes, do push ups for 1 minute, skip for two minutes, rest for one minute. Then change the push up to something else like sit ups in addition to do the set again. Repeat it five times and it’s an instant, effective workout that will advance results than a long work or swim.
2016-04-30 22:36:29 UTC
You don’t need to exercise for hours on end. Short, sharp sets of exercise will produce better results if you work hard. Get a skipping rope, skip for two min's, do push ups for 1 minute, skip for two minutes, rest for example minute. Then change the push approximately something else like sit ups and do the set again. Repeat it five times and it’s a quick, effective workout that will get better results than a long work or swim.
2007-08-08 04:25:17 UTC
Depends on your age .As one ages, metabolism slows down.Therefore to burn more calories than you consume becomes harder to do.When you run, you must maintain an increased heart rate for at least 20 minutes.It is during this phase that maximum claories are burned.Remember to get a me check done prior to this.To answer your question , any excercise undertaken must be maintained and stair climbing burns most.
Kenneth H
2007-08-08 05:33:26 UTC
You are what you eat curb this with a well balanced diet and a simple exercise programme and you will feel better in all areas of your health, running will only take off what you put in the engine, the better the fuel the better you will be and feel
2016-02-23 08:07:10 UTC
Keep a food diary. Seeing every morsel of food you’ve eaten in an day written down can provide help to see where you’re overdoing the item, or reveal patterns or triggers to bad eating habits.
2007-08-08 04:12:46 UTC
Dickens had this right:

Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery.

You get the picture - if you burn off more calories than you consume, you'll lose weight. If you consume more calories than you burn off, you'll gain weight.

You are clearly not burning off more calories than you consume, so if you wish to lose weight, the answer is very simple - you eat less, or exercise more.

It's up to you which you choose.
2007-08-08 03:53:47 UTC

Since I started cycling everywhere I can't seem to eat enough but still lose weight, I feel like I'm eating like a teenager again.

It is a great stress reliever as well plus I seem to have virtually eliminated my asthma
2007-08-08 04:27:58 UTC
Unfortunately, eat less. The only way to lose weight is to monitor your calorie intake. The calorific value of the exercise you do must be higher than your food calorie intake. I know I've done it.
june g
2007-08-08 03:21:43 UTC
Yeah I know what you mean, I go to Body Combat and still have problem areas. I have recently started pilates though with I've found is making a difference.
Skeptically cautious
2007-08-04 05:43:13 UTC
Target exercises at the gym. Using weights with more repetitions for sculpting. Keep the weights moderate so you don't bulk up.
2017-03-06 11:14:41 UTC
Be blue! Weirdly, azure shades have been proven to have a positive effect on your can to exercise regularly and avoid bad foods. So, wear orange, eat from blue plates and watch the pounds drop off!
2017-02-16 02:07:09 UTC
Bask in the the sun. Just 20 minutes of Vitamin D absorption everyday will boost your ability to be able to loose weight.
2016-02-22 19:33:25 UTC
Inform friends, family and work fellow workers that you’re dieting. Support from your people around you keeps a person motivated, stops you from cheating as well as makes it less likely you will fall off the wagon.
2007-08-08 03:54:57 UTC
Hi,that was the hardest place for me to lose it.I walk my dog 5

upwards times a day.I have lost the lot.Good Luck
2016-07-17 04:29:18 UTC
Supplement your diet with Omega-3 – buy good quality and they’ll boost your vitality and burn more fat.
2016-02-25 04:49:06 UTC
Supplement your diet with Omega-3 – buy good quality and they’ll boost your power and burn more fat.
jimmy B
2007-08-08 03:50:44 UTC
they say if you want to lose weight- eat breakfast. stops primitive body instincts saying hard times ahead and body storing energy reserves - but whatever you eat - all day-you need to burn more calories than you consume.
2007-08-08 03:45:23 UTC
Try playing squash. Will work wonders for that part of the body!
2016-04-26 10:15:40 UTC
Preserve it natural. Avoiding processed foods will keep your digestion working efficiently as well as minimise your salt intake.
2007-08-08 04:01:26 UTC
Put down the fork!
2007-08-04 05:42:48 UTC
I eat a wonderful bar 30 minutes before working out and it turns my fat to fuel. I've never had anything like it. There's nothing like it out there. Scientifically patented. Jennifer
2007-08-08 03:18:39 UTC
You are not a pear-shape, you are a woman shape.

Embrace it!
2007-08-08 03:59:54 UTC
Have no pitta bread with your Kebab next time!!!
2007-08-08 03:56:54 UTC
All in the mind, you are what you are. But you can also say you are what you eat and drink
2007-08-08 03:36:13 UTC
keep away from the cream cakes
tracie d
2007-08-08 03:51:34 UTC
2007-08-04 05:42:48 UTC
Best exercise is walking away from the computer. You have computer butt (pear shape). Step away from the computer.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.