i have been going hardcore to the gym since february and i have one of those electronic impedence scales that show body fat percentage. I have lost probably 15 lbs since january. I have been eating VERY well, weight training and doing HIIT cardio. Everyone says i they can't believe how disciplined i have been. HOWEVER....my scale says i have only lost a little over 2% body fat (i'm down in the 27% range) I also take the EC stack 2x a day, multi vitamin, calcium, lots of protein to make for muscle regrowth (this includes whey). OK so my question is....WHY have i ONLY lost 2% in like 4 months? This is getting VERY frustrating. I know i'm eating an acceptable range of calories (around 1400-1600 a day) and am in that damn gym 5 to 6 days a week. How much is a normal fat loss percentage in what period of time??? HELP!!!!!