2011-04-24 17:06:01 UTC
diet: cutting out all carbs/sugars. only eating fresh fruits/veggies and vegetarian sources of protein (beans, soy products, nuts, etc). limiting calories to around 1200 a day. drinking around 100 ounces of water each day (about 6 normal size water bottles). 2 cups of green tea throughout the day.
exercise: 100 crunches, 30 inner thigh lifts, 30 outer thigh lifts and 2 minutes of planks as soon as i wake up. 2 of the "10 minute solutions" dance work outs, 30 minutes on treadmill (4mph, 10% incline), 20 minutes weight training with free weights and the bowflex, 30 minutes Dance Dance Revolution on the wii (using arms and legs, it says i burn 400 calories based on my height/weight, but not sure how accurate that is). and then 100 crunches, 30 inner thigh lifts, 30 outer-thigh lifts, 3 minutes of planks before bed.
how does that sound? how much weight can i lose in a month sticking to this plan?