King Tirant
2008-12-25 15:00:59 UTC
Problem being, I looked at reviews for the Weider and most places say its made poorly (junky), but I can't find anything more than the sears customer reviews on the Horizon. I was hopeing someone could help me out rather soon (like today ^^) on which to chose.
Few notes, I really don't plan on spending more, theres 1 that i "May" spend $100 more on. Links to the 2 main ones and the 3rd i'm considering are here ---> (Weider) (Horizon)
About me: I havn't ever been much for working out, but entering college I thought I may need to do atleast a little. I'm around 6'1 and 190-200 lb (200 during the christmas season...). Another thing about the Weider, most reviews say it takes 7+ hrs to sucessfully install hopefully correctly.