If i have like 500 calories a day and drink lots of water and do like 300 jumping jacks will i lose weight?
2012-12-24 08:44:42 UTC
Im 14 4ft9 :( and i weigh 7stones i think? Or like 100 pounds idk??! But because im short i look fat if was taller i would'v been skinny :( i dont care about the oh that wud be starvation mode or you'll die! Idc i wanna be skinny!
25 answers:
2012-12-24 09:59:32 UTC
500 a day isn't enough, 1200 is just fine and you'll also lose weight

Do squats they burn a lot of calories and push ups or walk 45 minutes

And if actually Starve yourself you'll gain the weight that you lost so take it step by step

Try to decrease the amount you eat one at a time and your apatite will dec.

Wish you the best of luck
Frank Mcgovern
2012-12-24 09:05:16 UTC
. No. Your body will go into starvation mode with that few calories. You should aim for at least 1500. If you do not have the energy to do the exercise you won't be able to burn fat. The first thing you should do is change your diet, nothing fried, lots of veggies and protein. If you go into starvation mode yoir body will cling to as much fat as it can. I would also reccomend getting a kettlebell rather than just relying on watrr and jumpingjacks. It helps burn fat off and replace it with lean muscle. I know you say you dont care about starvation mode but it really will slow you to a crawl if you eat just 500 calories a day.
2012-12-24 08:49:52 UTC
You're still growing and to deprive your body of much needed calories is not going to make you healthy or lose weight. Our bodies retain fat when deprived of food, and that's what you're doing with only 500 calories. You need at least 1200 and along with an exercise regimen, to lose weight over time. Also given that you're 14, you could interrupt the start of your period or stop it altogether. Try walking 2 miles and gradually building up to 5 miles, 3-5 times a week.
dr peanut
2012-12-24 08:47:32 UTC
I hope you're joking.

I know you don't wanna hear this, but please don't do that. The average person needs 2000 calories a day, if you eat only 500 your body will go into emergency mode and will store most of the food you take in. In other words, you'll probably gain weight rather than loose it.

If you wanna loose weight, take it easy, don't do anything harsh, And damn girl, 7 stone isn't fat AT ALL!
2012-12-24 08:56:55 UTC
like, you know , wow when I like read this random kinda okay idk sort of question , I went like is this for real? I mean, like 300 jumping jacks, idk wtf it may be like possible.

If you starve yourself on 500 calories a day, and employ a strict regime of physical exercise, you will lose weight. It may be quite a slow process because you are not carrying much excess fat anyway, but it is worth a try. Do not keep it up longer than a week because your caloric count will not be enough for you to maintain the basic requirements for your body to work in a healthy fashion. A person your size eating say 1200 calories a day of wholesome food, coupled with plenty of exercise, and you will lose a little but more importantly, you will maintain a lower weight.
2012-12-24 09:18:37 UTC
don't listen to everyone who is saying "oh no, you'll go into starvation mode and you'll gain weight" i'm 14 and 5"7 and i do the same thing as your about to do. i lost 30 lbs in 3 weeks!! and i haven't gained anything back yet. take it from someone with experience, it will work.
2012-12-24 08:49:23 UTC
500 calories a day is not enough to support you at your age. You are still growing and you need to eat. You obviously know calorie limits as you are saying starvation mode - do you really want to be a skeleton?
2012-12-24 08:45:48 UTC
500 calories a day is starving yourself, your body needs at least 1200 calories a day or else it'll start taking every piece of food you eat and turn it into fat cells. so in the end, you'll actually gain weight
2012-12-24 08:46:02 UTC
No, because 500 calories not enough for metabolism, so you wont have energy and u may get sick, u have to eat atleast 1200 calories a day.
2012-12-24 09:37:24 UTC
It takes time to gain weight and it takes longer to lose it, so why do people ask to lose 10- 20- 40 pounds like they're in a fast food joint. Example: May I take your order? 20 lbs less an larger breast coming right up! Would you like an apple pie with that order? :0 It's recommended not to lose more than 4 pounds per month because it's dangerous to your health. I've only seen obese people (300 lbs) successfully lose large amounts of fat in a month. A person that is only overweight can not expect to lose that fast. Why? You're body is smarter than you may think, it stores fat as a source of energy for times of starvation. That's why people live in extreme environments without food survive for several days. So in a sense I'm saying the body of a 170 lbs will resist to lose weight more than a person with a 300 lbs body. That said it's not impossible. The French eat very high calorie foods yet the stay slim. Why? They eat small portions not the SUPER SIZE ME portions we Americans have been conditioned to. Don't let anybody talk you into diet pills. They are bad for your health and your pocket. It's important to learn to count calories, not every calorie but, at least a rough estimate. Your body doesn't work on zero calories. Like a car doesn't run without gas. Assuming your Recommended Calorie allowance is 1200 cal, it's just for daily energy and maintain your weight and stay alive. Assuming you don't eat more than that. You would have to burn 3500 calories per weak to lose a pound per week. That can be done by jogging 140 laps on a track per week. Why u ask? Because 4 laps = 1 mile and you lose approximately 100 calories per mile. So if you do the math 3500 calories divided by 100 calories per mile = 35 miles x 4 laps per mile = 140 laps to lose a pound. Now if your eating more than your R.C.A then you will lose weight slower and if you eat 1900 calories per day you can run the 35 miles a week and still gain weight. After you get used to the math it's the easiest way to KEEP TRACK of what you eat and what you burn. All this said running 35 mile per week is not for a beginner it can take months for you to be in condition to run that, or you risk getting injured or quit. Go on the net and search for Calorie Calculator which will tell you how many calories you should eat depending on factors like height, weight, age and level of activity. Think of yourself as a car if u eat too much "your tank overflows" and it will show this summer at the beach, yet if u eat too little u run out of energy. So if you burned 4000 calories at the gym this week you can feel guilt-free to eat a 500 calorie treat and still lose that pound. At the end of each day after subtracting the calories u have burned or didn't eat you should be left with at least you minimum calories recommended, for energy purposes. Search for a BMI Calculator which will tell u your ideal weight, search a calorie calculator and last but not least, to keep track of your calories go to a food calorie index or buy the small calorie counting books you see at the supermarkets with this info you will understand the dynamics of losing weight. NO. u can't chose to lose body fat in a certain part of your body, your body loses fat overall. Yes, I said it. U can do 5000 sit-ups a day and if your calorie intake is too high you'll never see a six-pack abs. Why not u ask? It only takes a small amount of fat to hide the six-pack. The fastest way to lose weight is running. Jogging 1 mile (equal to 4 laps in a track) burns approximately 100 Calories. Don’t start running yet. Visit a runner’s website, they have tips for beginners and marathoners, also an eating healthy, running shoes and how to not get injured. People sometimes lose motivation and quit exercising do to boredom. Think what is it that you like, hiking, basketball, tennis, if u like martial arts don’t just watch the movie, become a martial artist. You have to like your workout, to stick with it. What ever it is JUST DO IT. To the woman out there don't be afraid of weight training. It would take 10-15 years of INTENSE training and steroid injections to get like a woman body builder. Why did I go through all this trouble to learn all this. I worked in the medical field in the Navy/Marine Corps and saw some soldiers slim and others overweight. It worked for me. Good luck! :)
2017-03-12 00:33:47 UTC
When making cookies, bake half the batch and scoop the rest into ice-cube trays. When the sweet tooth kicks in, pop out one and bake it to meet your craving without breaking this calorie bank.
2017-03-06 06:29:55 UTC
Wash your car as an alternative to taking it through the automobile wash.
2017-02-16 05:58:27 UTC
Hover just above your chair inside a squat position for 15 a few moments every hour.
2016-12-26 10:38:13 UTC
Teach your kids your favorite sport (or have them coach you on theirs).
2016-02-27 16:20:01 UTC
Share weight-loss goals with co-workers in order that they invite you for a postwork Zumba class instead of happy hour.
your grandad
2012-12-24 08:46:31 UTC
You will lose a lot of weight very quickly and then put it all and more back on again because you will be hungry all the time.
2016-04-20 21:11:02 UTC
Skip ordering pizza and make one of them crusts at home: gluten-free fairly sweet potato crust , a quinoa tulsi crust that's also gluten free , or this low-carb cauliflower crust.
2012-12-24 09:43:16 UTC
you will, like, die. You seem a waste of oxygen and education at the moment, how about getting a life and being less useless?
2016-02-22 19:01:44 UTC
try to realize the actual calorie number before placing your order dinners in diner
2016-02-09 20:28:12 UTC
For salty-sweet cravings, bake a batch of these roasted honey-cinnamon chickpeas.
2016-12-26 07:35:14 UTC
Choose a whole-wheat wrap rather then two slices of wheat loaves of bread.
2016-06-10 20:57:04 UTC
Pour almond milk in your cereal as an alternative to skim milk.
2016-02-24 23:27:01 UTC
Believe in yourself. How often have you adored someone and their achievements then instantly thought, ‘I’d love to do this, but I just can’t. ’ Don’t limit your achievements by your thoughts. You can do whatever you should do.
2016-01-22 22:39:01 UTC
Paint, hang curtains, or finish any other home-improvement task in your to-do list.
2016-05-03 22:46:34 UTC
Teach your kids your favorite sport (or have them show you theirs).

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.