I do 50 sit-ups everyday and I’m starting to run up & down my stairs 10 times, so I suggest exercising. Oh, don't go anorexia or bulimic or anything like that. A LOT of people die from starving their body like that.
I think it would be important for you to read the next paragraph since I didn't know how to "eat healthy".
•9 servings of grain
Serving=1 slice of bread or 1 cup of cold cereal or 5 or 6 small crackeers
Try to ignore doughnuts, cakes, bagels, muffins, white bread or pasta with creamy sauces.
Smart choices are whole-grained breads or brown rice.
•4 servings of vegetables
Serving=1 cup raw leafy veggies, or ½ cup cooked or chopped raw veggies or ¾ cup of vegetable juice
Try to ignore fast-food potatoes and veggie tempura.
Smart choices are raw veggies with hummus.
•3 servings of fruit
Serving=A medium-size apple, banana, or orange or 1 cup of berries or ½ cup of chopped,cooked or canned fruit or ¾ cup of fruit juice
A smart choice is fresh fruit salads
Try to ignore fruit juices high in sugar
•3 servings of dairy
Serving=1 cup of milk or 1½ ounces of natural cheese
A smart choice is skim milk
Try to ignore high-calorie milk or cheeses with bacteria (such as blue cheeese, brie cheese, goat cheese, etc.) unless they have been baked
3 servings of protein
Serving=2 or 3 ounces of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish or ½ cup cooked beans or 1 egg or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter or 1/3 cup of nuts
Smart choices would be cold poached salmon or well-cooked pork tenderloin
Try to ignore fast-food burgers, fried chicken or refried beans
P.S. I think it works a little bit differently depending on your gender, I'm not sure. DON'T SKIP MEALS!!!!!!!! Skipping meals slows down your metabolism wich is the rate your body digests. It will be harder to lose weight if you have a slow metabolism.