2011-12-07 02:27:22 UTC
Whenever people who knew me BEFORE I lost the weight remark on my weight loss, and ask how much I lost, I always feel a big twinge of guilt telling them at it was 60 pounds. It's even worse when I'm asked about whether or not I lost weight/how much when I mention something offhandedly (e.g., "Oh you need a belt? I'd offer you one but all mine are XL and if they don't fit me, they'll never fit you!") to someone who DID NOT know me when I was 60lbs heavier. I just feel so ashamed that I ever WAS 60lbs heavier, and am afraid that either person (the one who knew me when I was 60lbs heavier, and the one who did not) will somehow like me less / respect me less / think less of me as a person / start to assign negative personality characteristics upon me based on my former weight.
Has this happened to anyone else whom has lost a large (30+) amount of weight? Have you felt guilty to tell people because you were ashamed of that number, or that you ever were that weight? I'M NOT saying you "should" feel that way, just asking if you DO.